LAHOA Registration

Once an official has been certified by USA Hockey, they will then be able to register with LAHOA. The official will attach a picture of their USA Hockey card and crest to the registration form, accept the LAHOA Code of Conduct & complete payment. Upon registering, new officials will receive log in credentials to our scheduling system. Returning officials will have their accounts updated to their current certifications.

LAHOA Registration Form

FAQ’s: Registration | Getting Started

Register Online with USA Hockey

USA Hockey referee certification must be renewed annually. First year officials will apply for level 1. Returning officials will apply for the level they are eligible for. Submission of online applications for USA Hockey officiating memberships for the 2025-26 season begins May 1st, 2025 and ends November 1st, 2025. 2024-25 registrations expire December 1st, 2025. All 2025-26 registrations must be completed by January 1st, 2026. No referee cards and sweater crests will be issued after this date. Membership is valid for the entire season in any district or state in the United States. Once you register with USA Hockey, you will be e-mailed registration confirmation immediately with links to begin completing the registration requirements.

If you have been a level 3 or 4 for the past 3 or more seasons, are you are eligible for USA Hockey’s Tenured Officials Program and the Advanced Officiating Symposium. 

USA Hockey Member Services: 800-566-3288 ext. 123 |

USA Hockey Registration | Check USA Hockey Registration Status

Step 1 – Select an Officiating Classroom Seminar to Attend

All officials must attend and complete a Virtual Officiating Classroom Seminar that coincides with the level the official is applying for. Officials will need to go to the Officiating Classroom Seminar Portal to sign up. When searching for the seminars on USA Hockey’s Seminar Portal, the virtual seminars will be listed as “Los Alamitos, CA” & “LAHOA Virtual Seminar” with the corresponding date. Please select the correct date you wish to attend. If you have already registered for a seminar but can no longer attend that date, please visit the Classroom Seminar Transfer Portal to transfer seminars. The following are the 2024 LAHOA seminar dates:

Step 2 – Open Book Playing Rules Exams

(For 2024-25) All Playing Rule Exercises will be included in the classroom seminar curriculum. You will receive Open Book Exam credit when your classroom seminar attendance roster is submitted to USA Hockey.

Step 3 – Online Education Modules

(For 2024-25) All Online Education Module material will be included in the classroom seminar curriculum. You will receive Open Book Exam credit when your classroom seminar attendance roster is submitted to USA Hockey.

Step 4 – SafeSport Training

All officials who are 18 years-old, or older, by June 1 of the current year, must complete the U.S. Center for SafeSport training program. This online program trains USA Hockey members in detecting and preventing detrimental behavior (hazing, abuse, etc.) on and off the playing surface. Once core-fundamental training is completed, a brief re-certification course is required each year.

SafeSport Training | About SafeSport

Step 5 – Background Screening

All officials who are 18 years-old, or older, by June 1 of the current year, must submit to a USA Hockey coordinated criminal background screening via NSCI. Background screens are valid for two seasons. No background screen performed by an outside entity or governing body will be accepted.

Background Screening

Registration Questions
Registration questions? Please submit here!